Monday, February 8, 2010

Modified Plan

Olivia is doing better. She has the sniffles and that cough is holding on still. Other than that though, she is much improved. Her appt with the lung dr. is this week. I am looking forward to getting more information from someone who supposedly knows more. We shall see.

Andy and I have changed our plan regarding trying for our second child right now. We've agreed that we both want to wait another year before diving into that. Olivia's sickness was a reality check and we are just not ready for two. We want to wait for her to be stronger and us to be more sure.

I did finally give in and get her a different diaper for night time since she was overflowing her regular diapers while she slept. The Pampers Extra Protection diapers have been working really well so far.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sick baby

I've been slacking on this because Olivia has been sick. She was in the hospital last Sunday - Tuesday. Apaprently, she caught a virus (not RSV but something similar) that escalated into a partially collapsed lung. The whole thing was stressful and scarey but she is doing much better now. She is on multiple breathing treatments but we hope that her doctor will tell us we can reduce that tomorrow. She has graduated from the nebulizer, which she hated, to the aerochamber, which we loooove. Its so much easier and faster. Why didn't they tell us about that before? The hospital pediatrician prescribed an inhaled steroid for Olivia to use for the rest of the winter. We are nervous about that "long-term" treatment and are taking Olivia to see a pediatric pulmonologist in February. Her regular doctor agrees it is time to see a specialist. The general agreement seems to be pointing toward the development of asthma but its still too early to tell. There's nothing worse than having a sick baby. There isn't much you can do for them and they seem so much smaller somehow.

This week has made me second-guess my decision to have another baby. I am not sure we are ready. If I am pregnant right now as we speak, of course I will be thrilled but if I'm not, I think we will put it off for a bit longer...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Epilepsy and Pregnancy

Did you know that 1 in 20 babies born to mothers who take valproic acid (Depakote) have a birth defect? According to, the FDA warns mothers on Depakote. I am one of those mothers. Scarey. I know about the risks, though I thought folic acid played a bigger role in preventing defects than this article suggests. I religiously take my folic acid but now I'm nervous. My doctors support my decision to continue my current treatment while trying to conceive. Olivia turned out just fine, but I don't know if I could forgive myself if she hadn't. Its true that taking the medicine is safer than taking nothing, but is it selfish of me to get pregnant in the first place? Should I bring an innocent human being into this world with the potential risk of increasing his/her chances of having some life-altering deformity that could result in pain and unhappiness? I admit I am not a religious person and sometimes I wish I was, mostly so that I would have someone to blame it on other than myself. Terrible, I know...

"The FDA has classified AEDs into two categories: Class C which is all the newer drugs, stating, that information is available in animals, and appears safe but no information available in humans: whereas, Category D is all the older drugs, and here we know the risks in animals and humans, both of which have shown malformations. The newer drugs seem safer, but we just do not have enough information yet to make a statement about them. " --; Even if I changed meds, there's no guarantee that will make any difference. I go back and forth, back and forth. Isn't creating a life better than not creating one at all? What happens if I find out early in the pregnancy that there is a problem? What decision will I be faced with then? Its tough, and I'm feeling scared today.

Learning to Photograph blog

I decided to separate my family and photography blogs. My journey to expand my family and my journey to become more than a FB photographer would create a confusing mess of thoughts if combined. Other blog:, if you're interested...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

DSLR Cameras

I got a Nikon D3000 for Christmas. I love it and want to learn more about photography and how to get the most out of my camera. I am planning to take a class at Bristol Community College. If anyone reads this, I'd appreciate advice on good online learning sites.

Overnight Diapers?

Well it seems our reliable overnight diapers, Pampers Babydry, are no longer working. Olivia wears a size 4 and we've been using Pampers Babydry as her diaper for all day and all night, even though it is supposedly an "overnight diaper" only (what is the point of two different diapers for one baby?). As of a few days ago, she began waking up soaking wet in the morning. This troubles me because not only is she sleeping in #1 but there is also more laundry for me to deal with. Now the question is do I try to find a different type diaper for her to use overnight or try going up a size for nighttime? I really hate the idea of two different diapers for one baby but I hate extra laundry more. Would a size 5 diaper have more absorption or would it just be roomier? I also read online someone recommended putting a women's menstral pad horizontally across the top of the diaper during the night. That will be a last resort to try though... Any suggestions?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Trying Again

Hi, I'm Rachel. My husband, Andy, and I have a 17 month old daughter, Olivia. We have been thinking of trying for a second. There always seems to be some excuse that has stopped us in the past several months but I've decided that will always be true so its now or never. I'm not sure Andy is in 100% agreement but he's at least 85% there and counting ;)

I'm scared. Its true. Olivia is amazing, fun, adorable, hilarious, and difficult. The thought of another one is both terrifying and exciting! I don't want the nights of no sleep again but I do want another sweet face to love. I also know I want two children and I want them to be close in age. I shudder to think about two babies screaming at the same time (thank goodness I didn't have twins). I was totally freaked out before Olivia came also. After all, neither Andy nor I had ever even babysitted, let alone changed diapers and soothed a screaming child. Still though, everything seemed to fall into place and I figured out the mom thing and Andy turned out to be a fabulous dad. So here we are, trying for that elusive perfect timing required for conception. Is it a good idea? I don't know, but we're going for it anyway! Wish us luck!